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The Rose - 手嶌葵

    【The Rose - 手岛葵 - The Rose~I Love Cinemas~】

    第一次聽到這首the rose,是在榮倉奈奈主演的電影“生命最後一個月的新娘”當中,電影當中的版本是JUJU演唱的。當年因為“妹妹戀人”這部電影,認識了榮倉奈奈這個笑容純純的女生,因而看到她演的新電影,便迫不及待地看了。電影很感人,片中的插曲有這首the rose,很美的曲子,查了這首歌,發現有很多版本。我最喜愛的便是手島葵的這個版本,輕柔的嗓音很適合這首歌的意境。
    今天偶然看到了北京大學藝術學院五週年宣傳片”女生日記“的視頻,視頻當中也用了the rose這首歌,我的回憶便開啟了。想到當年看的電影,聽的歌,喜歡的演員和歌手,時光也慢慢清晰明媚了起來。

Some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed. 有人說,愛,是一條浸有軟蘆葦的小河。   

Some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人說,愛,是一柄分離血魂的剃刀。   

Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. 有人說,愛,是一名無盡追求的餓者。   

I say love,it is a flower, and you it's only seed. 而我說,愛,是一朵花。而你,是花唯一的種子!   

It's the heart,afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance. 心恐其碎,不可舞動。   

It's the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance. 夢恐其醒,不可失時。   

It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give. 人恐其離,不可施愛。   

And the soul,afraid of dyin', that never learns to live. 魂恐其眾,永無生機!   

When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long, 孤寂之夜,漫長之路。   

And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, 幸運之人,執著之士(或: 幸運之人 愛與相伴)。   

Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, 冬雪之下,深埋愛種。   

Lies the seed, that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes The Rose. 陽光輕撫,春成玫瑰。
